Dental Implants
in Katy, TX

Dental Implant Clinic Katy, TX
Dental implants have become a more popular option for those wishing to replace missing teeth, yet not all dentists have the specific training, knowledge, experience and expertise to perform this detailed surgical procedure.
One stop Implant clinic: Most dentist are either trained to place implants or to restore implants and so patients ends up going different places to get one implant.
3D Dental xrays (CBCT)
CBCT is 3D images of the mouth and jaw that can be manipulated to better plan for implant placement. We have invested in this technology to better serve our patients, and provide the peace of mind that our treatment plans are based on the most comprehensive information we can have using latest technology out there! They allow us to know more about your anatomy during the planning phase, so that we can perform less invasive procedures.
At Woodcreek Family Dentistry, our dentists have extensive training in implants after finishing dental school, and we are experienced in surgical placement as well as restoring implants! We proudly offer our specializations in implant dentistry to those who are looking for excellence in implant dentistry. We provide implant services ranging from single implant replacement to all-on-4 implant replacement of all teeth by our implant specialists.
Dental implants provide a permanent option to beautifully complete your smile so that it functions properly and lasts a lifetime.
Who can benefit?

The advantages
Here are four important advantages of dental implants, compared to alternatives such as dentures and bridges:
1. You’ll look and feel great
2. They’re built to last
3. You can live life with confidence
4. They protect facial bone and healthy teeth
Pricing facts and figures
You might be surprised how affordable dental implants are compared to other tooth replacement options, especially when you take into account long-term cost effectiveness and quality of life.
Think about it: most people use their teeth 3 times a day to chew their diet, multiply that by 365 days, multiple that by number of years before you die! Assuming you still got at least 20 years to leave that number might be more than 20000 meals that you going to get from these implants!
This is counting just functional benefits of it and not even considering added benefits of self-confidence you get, since you can chew food better, your digestive system improves as well. Again, it’s hard to put a price tag on these kind of benefits.
The total cost depends on several different factors, including how many teeth need replacing and where they’re located, the number and type of implants, and whether any additional procedures are necessary to prepare your mouth for the implants.
Since dental implant treatments are customized for your specific needs, the costs vary accordingly. An evaluation by an experienced dental implant expert is the best way to ensure that you are getting an accurate cost estimate for quality work.
If you see ads for dental implants with low prices that seem too good to be true – well, you know what they say. And if someone quotes you a price for dental implants without examining you, be wary.
Insurance coverage and payment options
Most insurances have annual maximum set at $1000-$1500 since 1970’s! which limits insurance benefits towards implants. Implants usually starts from $3000/tooth and fees go up depending on complexity of case.
Recognizing the long-term benefits of dental implants over other tooth replacement options, an increasing number of insurance companies have started to provide at least some coverage. If your company does not offer this coverage, ask them if you can receive an allowance toward implants that is equal to the cost of a bridge or traditional dentures.
Most of our patients either pay all fees up front or take advantages of our four months payment plans or apply for Care-Credit to take advantage of longer payment plans.