Chipped Tooth Repair
in Katy, TX
Chipping a tooth can happen as the result of a fall, a sporting accident, or weakening of the tooth due to decay or disease. Regardless of the cause, however, it is important to have the chipped tooth repaired with preventive dental services.
Besides altering your smile, a chipped tooth can cause discomfort, pain, difficulty eating, and infection of the pulp tissue. Over time, a chipped tooth will also likely change your bite, which can lead to further oral health problems. You can have the chipped tooth repaired, which will allow you to eat again as normal and avoid the risk of infection.
The repair options available to you will depend on the seriousness of the damage and where the tooth is located. Treatment options include dental fillings or dental bonding. Your dentist will carry out a comprehensive exam of the tooth before deciding on the best course of treatment for you.