Implant Dentures (non-removable)
in Katy, TX
Are you missing multiple teeth? Implant Dentures might be the right option for you!
Patients who require a full set of dentures but who do not want to remove them can opt for non-removable implant dentures at the Woodcreek Family Dentistry. Our experienced Dentists make it comfortable and easy to complete daily tasks such as eating and talking without having to worry about your dentures slipping or falling out.
Contact us today to schedule a consultation and find out how fixed implant dentures can help restore your confidence in your smile.

What are Fixed Implant Dentures?
What are the Benefits of Fixed Implant Dentures?
- The ability to talk, chew, and bite with full functionality without having to worry about your dentures slipping or falling out
- Fixed implant dentures can be cleaned the same way as your normal teeth with no need for denture cups or dissolvable cleaning tabs.
- This option allows the patient to enjoy a full set of teeth more naturally without self-consciousness or anxiety
What is the Process to Get Fixed Implant Dentures?
As these dental prosthetics often involve the placement of more dental implants than removable implant dentures, it may take several months to place the implants and prepare the mouth for the fixed dentures. Our Dentist will begin by placing biocompatible titanium screws and bone grafts into the jawbone, allowing a few months for the bone and hardware to bond and form a strong foundation for your dentures.
Once the implants are secured, the dentures are permanently screwed onto the implants for a snug fit. During your consultation with our medical team, your condition and preferences will be evaluated, and we will help you choose the treatment option.