Dental Implant Cost
in Katy, Fulshear

You might be surprised how affordable dental implants are compared to restorative dental services, especially when you take into account long-term cost-effectiveness and quality of life.
Think about it: most people use their teeth 3 times a day to chew their diet, multiply that by 365 days, multiple that by number of years before you die! Assuming you still have at least 20 years to leave, that number might be more than 20000 meals that you are going to get from these implants!
This is counting just the functional benefits of it and not even considering the added benefits of dental implants you get; since you can chew food better, your digestive system improves as well. Again, it’s hard to put a price tag on these kinds of benefits.
The total cost depends on several different factors, including how many teeth need replacing and where they’re located, the number and type of implants, and whether any additional procedures are necessary to prepare your mouth for the implants.
Since dental implant treatments are customized for your specific needs, the costs vary accordingly. An evaluation by an experienced dental implant expert is the best way to ensure that you are getting an accurate cost estimate for quality work. Woodcreek Family Dentistry is proud to offer in-house payment plans to divide this Implant cost over few months.
Single Implant (including crown) can cost from $3000-5000 depending on if you need any additional bone grafting procedure done.
If you see ads for dental implants with low prices that seem too good to be true – well, you know what they say. And if someone quotes you a price for dental implants without examining you, be wary.