Teeth Whitening
in Katy, TX
Teeth whitening improves the color of teeth, which have been affected by staining or medical conditions causing discoloration. There are many different ways that teeth whitening is achieved. Although you can purchase teeth whitening kits over the counter, some of these products can do long term damage to the teeth.
If you are not happy with the color of your teeth, you can receive teeth whitening treatment from your dentist at Woodcreek Family Dentistry. Your dentist is qualified to assess your needs and decide on the safest, most effective treatment for you. While we want you to feel confident in your smile, your oral health is important to us. As part of our cosmetic dentistry treatments at Woodcreek Family Dentistry, we can provide professional teeth whitening to restore your smile while protecting your teeth.

Opalescence® Boost Professional Teeth Whitening
Opalescence is a tooth-whitening technology that literally gets to the root of discoloration. Not only will Opalescence remove surface staining, but this whitening agent will penetrate the enamel of the teeth and eliminate off-colored molecules from inside the tooth. The technology uses the discolored molecules to actually whiten the tooth, as the oxygen from the Opalescence gel reacts with those molecules.
The result is that the entire tooth is whitened rather than the superficial whitening of the tooth’s surface.
Woodcreek Family Dentistry is licensed to provide teeth whitening using the full range of Opalescence treatments. We can provide you with treatment at our practice or provide you with the gels and tools you need to carry out treatment at home.
Cost of this procedure:

In-house whitening at our office can range from $350-500. PPO insurance does not pay for cosmetic dental work. An alternative option is take-home whitening trays, which cost around $120-200. However, the result might not be instant and/or optimal since you are using a lower concentration of whitening agent with take-home whitening trays. For best results, we recommend a house whitening procedure.
In certain cases, staining might be too deep inside the teeth structure to whiten it with whitening products, and our dentist might recommend alternate treatments such as porcelain veneers, porcelain crowns, etc. Contact us today for an appointment and for more details on what might be the best options for you.